Publications from our dentists in kendall
The best Kendall dentist prices
Dentist prices kendall
Here are some tips for maintaining good oral health, check this section often and stay informed. The best prices for Kendall dentists. I have developed my practice to create a truly unique experience for people looking to transform their smiles.
The success of my dental office is not only based on the high quality of dental work, but also on my compassionate and individualized approach, contact us for more information, contact us for more information, the best Kendall dentist prices.
Deep Cleaning Your Teeth
Deep cleaning your teeth might sound like something a dental professional recommends if you’ve not been brushing your teeth well enough or if you’ve missed
Emergency dentist near me
Emergency dentist near me Kendall Florida
Emergency dentist near me Are you in pain? Do you need an emergency dentist? Emergency dentist near me. Dental emergencies can include toothache and dental injuries
Carillas Dentales
Carillas Dentales ¿Qué tipos de carillas existen? Pros y contras Carillas dentales son unas láminas finas que cubren la parte frontal de los dientes. Es
Family Dentistry
Family Dentistry Family Dentistry Your dental health is a vital part of your overall health and quality of life. Taking proper care of your oral
Elevación de seno maxilar
¿Cómo se eleva el seno maxilar? Elevación de seno maxilar Se realiza a través del lecho que deja la preparación del implante. De esta manera, el
Blanqueamiento dental
Blanqueamiento Dental ¿Como funciona? El blanqueamiento dental se logra mediante la liberación de iones de oxígeno en las proximidades de la estructura dental. El blanqueamiento
Injerto Oseo
El injerto óseo es una forma avanzada, eficaz y segura de promover la cicatrización y el crecimiento óseo en la mandíbula.
Extracción de un diente
Extracción de un diente Usted y el Dr. Rene Cabrera pueden determinar que necesita una extracción dental por una variedad de razones. Algunos dientes se
Botox en Miami
El Botox se usa médicamente para tratar ciertas afecciones musculares y cosméticamente para eliminar las arrugas, al paralizar temporalmente los músculos. El primer y único tratamiento aprobado por la FDA para suavizar temporalmente las líneas de expresión
Meet Dr. Rene E. Cabrera
Digital X-Rays in Kendall
First of all, I would like to tell you a little about me. I was born and raised in Cuba, where I attended one of the most prestigious schools in my region.
At the age of 20, I decided to move to the United States where I started my journey in the dental Industry. I enjoy serving patients in my hometown community and spending time with my family and kids. I spend my spare time with friends and family, working out, playing my children and my dog.
Digital X-Rays in Kendall
I have developed my practice to create a truly one-of-a-kind experience for people looking to transform their smiles. The success of my dental office is not only based on the high quality of dental work but also on my compassionate and individualized approach.
Request an appointment now with Doctor Rene Cabrera by calling: Tel: 305-596-0322
RC Dental Clinic | Dr. Cabrera
Specializing in crowns, veneers, teeth whitening & smile design | Kendall FL.
12305 Southwest 112th Street
Dentist in kendall Dentist near me Dentist in miami, Kendall, FL 33186, Estados Unidos